Presented by Deborah Shelton Wood
This Indenture made this eleventh day of Sept. in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and thirty, between John Hurst and Molley his
wife Jacob Odle & Sally his Wife John Nunn & Elizabeth is wife Spencer
Breeding & Winney his Wife, heirs of Absalum Hurst decd. of the County
of Wythe and State of Virginia of the one part and William Hurst of the
County & state aforesaid of the other part. Witneseth that the above
named heirs of the said Absalum Hurst decd. for and in consideration of
the sum of five hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by the sd.William
Hurst the rect. whereof the aforesaid heirs of Absalum Hurst decd.
acknowledge that they the said heirs doth by these presents give and
grant bargain and sell and confirm unto the sd. William Hurst four
fifthts of a certain tract a parcel of land containing by
estimation one hundred acres be the same more or less being a part of a
survey for Benjamin Clements in the County aforesaid on little Reed
island Creek bounded as followeth to wit beginning at a white pine
corner for Clements at the foot of a cleft Rock on the south side of
little Reed Island running with Clements line to the aforesaid Creek and
crossing sd Creek immediately to two white oakes and black oak sapling
in Richard Ellises line thence with sd. Ellises line to the foresd.
Creek and thence down the various meanders of the sd. Creek to the
beginning with all the singular privaledges & appurtenances thereto
belonging or any wise appertaining thereto to the sd. William Hurst his
heirs and forever to have free from the claim charges or demands of any
person or persons whatsoever and the aforesd heirs of Absalum Hurst
decd. for themselves and each of them covenant and agree with the sd.
William Hurst his heirs forever that they the aforesaid heirs will
warrant and forever defend the right and title of the above mentioned
four fifth of the tract of land unto the sd. William Hurst and his heirs
forever. In witness whereof the aforesaid heirs of Absalum Hurst decd.
hath hereunto set there hand s and affixed there seal the day and year
above written.
John Hurst (seal)
Molly x Hurst (seal)
Spencer his x mark Breeding (seal)
Winny her x mark Breeding (seal)
Jacob his x mark Odle (seal)
Sally her x mark Odle (seal)
John his x mark Nunn (seal)
Elizabeth her x mark Nunn (seal)
Wythe County to Wit:
We Randolph Fugate and James Crockett Justices of the peace in the
County aforesaid do hereby certify that John Hurst Jacob Odle John Nunn
Spencer Breeding parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 11th of
September and hereto annexxed personally appeared before us in our
County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their acts and deeds
and desired us to certify the sd. acknowledgement to the Clerk of the
County Court of Wythe in that the sd. deed may be recorded. Given under
our hands & seals this 11th day of Sept. 1830.
Randolph Fugate (seal)