Will of William Hurst of Reed Island,
Wythe Co., Virginia
22 January 1857/January 1861
Wythe Co. Will Book 10:83
I William Hurst of the County of Wythe and State of Virginia having
arrived at old age, and attended with bodily infirmity, but of sound
mind and disposing memory and being mindful of the uncertainty of human
life, and desirous to dispose of all such worldly estates as it hath
pleased God to bless me with, I do make this my last Will and Testament
in manner and form following
Viz: 1st I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Suthern a tract of
land in the County of Carroll known as the Surrat place in this bequest
I except a road from the ford of the creek about three hundred yards up
the hill to the North East. I also give my daughter Nancy Four hundred
Dollars in money.
2nd. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Carnahan a tract of
land in the County of Pulaski, the same whereon she and her husband now
reside. I also give my daughter Elizabeth a Negro girl named Esther and
her children. I also give my daughter Elizabeth a Negro boy named John
and Two hundred Dollars in money.
3rd. I give and bequeath to my daughter Lucinda Hurst a Negro girl
named Sally and her children. I also give my daughter Lucinda Hurst a
Negro girl named Chana and her child named Nathaniel and I also giver
her Two hundred dollars in money.
[4th and 5th missing from will filed in Wythe Co.]
6th. I give and bequeath to my daughter Joanah Boyd a Tract of Land in
Carroll County Known as the Hardy place, also a Negro girl named Esther
and her children. I also give her a Negro boy named Baker by her paying
to William F. Hurst Two hundred Dollars in money.
7th. I leave Tom and all other property to be equally divided between
my five daughters, (to wit,:) (Nancy Suthern, Elizabeth Carnahan,
Lucinda Hurst, Virginia Suhern [sic: Suthern] and Joanah Boyd) after the
within amounts have been settled and all my just debts paid.
[8th missing from will filed in Wythe Co.]
9th and last,, I hereby appoint my son-in-law Samuel Hurst Executor this
my last will and Testament hereby revoking all or any other will or
wills by me heretofore made in Witness whereof I subscribe my name and
affix my Seal this 22 day of January 1857.
Teste William Hurst (seal)
John H. Crawford
Newton Wheeler
Luke S. Thompson
Virginia. In the County Court of Wythe January Term 1861.
This last Will and Testament of William Hurst deceased was presented in
Court proven by the oaths of Newton Wheeler and Luke S. Thompson
Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
And the Executor named in said Will not being present, Jackson Breeding
is appointed Curator of said estate and thereupon the Said Breeding
together with Joseph Shaffer Jesse Honaker & Rufus F. Hurst his
Securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of three
thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs and took the oaths
prescribed by law.
Teste H. S. (Martin?), Clk.